
WHAT is this subject about?

You will gain knowledge and practical skills to cook International cuisine using different cooking styles and methods. It will give you an insight on what is required to work within the catering industry. On successful completion of this course you will gain an OCMWM Certificate in General Cookery Level 1

WHY should I choose this subject?

Catering will open excellent opportunities for you to progress on in further education and to build a career for yourself within the catering industry.

WHEN and HOW am I assessed?

Additional to the assessment process, both internal and external verification will be completed before certification if issued.

WHICH subjects should I have an aptitude in?

There are no special subjects needed for catering just enthusiasm, good punctuality and attendance

WHERE could this subject take me in the future?

If you work hard enough the world will be your oyster, wherever your imagination allows and to achieve all that you want to achieve.